• Ban Evasion
  • Ban evasion is considered to be a severe offense, and if conducted, it will lead to even further and possibly more serious consequences. A temporary ban evasion may lead to a permanent ban, and then possibly an IP ban. Simply put, do not try to evade your ban; serve it and don’t risk your account. Account sharing / relaying messages from the banned user(s) is not allowed as well.

  • Multiple Accounts
  • There is a limit on the amount of accounts that you are allowed to have created. You may only have created a maximum of three (3) accounts for our forums. If you are caught with more than three by a moderator, you are liable to have valid reasoning at any given time as to why you have more than three accounts. If you have more accounts than three, all of the accounts will be banned and your main account will also be banned for a variable period of time.

  • Harassment (Flaming)
  • Harassment will not be tolerated. The punishment for harassment will vary from mild, to severe depending on the situation at hand, offenses committed, and other such factors. Racism, ageism, sexism, discrimination, segregation, and such offensive manners are also considered harassment and under no conditions will they be tolerated. This includes offensive language that is directed at a member, or members of our community. There is to be no foul, stereo-typical, or abusive language allowed. Offensive language is permitted, but still discouraged, if it is not directed at a member of our community. If you receive any type of harassment via private message, please contact a staff member immediately.
Note: Harassment is the same as flaming.

  • (Organized) Malicious Conduct
  • Organized malicious conduct will lead to an un-appealable permanent ban. Organized malicious conduct can vary from denial of service attacks, group/mass spamming, and registering an account with intent to cause trouble. This also includes posting viruses or other malicious content in your posts, threads, private messages, and any other means of communication over the website. This be said, links or images that may lead to malicious content are also prohibited.

  • Pornography & Inappropriate links or images
  • You are not permitted to post or send links or images of pornography, child pornography, nudity, or obscure/inappropriate content to other forums members. The punishment for this is severe. This includes linking to websites that may redirect, contain, or lead to these types of links or images, as well as images that are disturbing. It also adheres to websites that may hijack ones browser, and phishing. (Disturbing images include bleeding dead bodies, innards, and other such content). Infractions, as well as bans will be laid immediately if you are caught participating in this offense.
    Note: This also applies to your signature, avatar & profile picture.
  • Encouraging/Aggravating Others To Break Rules
  • You are not allowed encourage or aggravate others to break rules. This includes taunting, ridiculing & provoking. The punishment for this will vary on the severity of its outcome.

  • Spam
  • We do not allow spamming on our forums. Spamming also includes grave digging an old topic, or bumping a topic. The punishment for spamming will vary on the content and amount of content posted. Double posting is also considered spamming, and is not allowed. Please make your posts meaningful. Think about what you are posting before doing so, and make sure it abides with the forum rules. Posting meaningless messages will be considered spam. The spam section, and the user group specific sections are sections where one can post topics or replies which may not have any need or meaning. This is "spam", only not absolutely useless posts such as "soamfdjaijgnanhi". Other than this the full rules do apply here as well.

  • Posting/Releasing Personal Details Or Images Of Other Users
  • We will not stand for this kind of behavior. You are strictly not allowed to post sensitive or personal information of other members of our community. Do not even consider doing this without the full prior written consent of the person who's details or image it so happens to be. Action will be taken against your account unless you post picture or video proof of the written consent.

  • Leeching
  • Leeching includes claiming other peoples work, projects, images, graphics, servers, clients, and such things as your own, and involves a wide variety of things. Leeching will be punished with infractions, or possibly bans. It is considered as stealing ones work, and therefore is not allowed. Please refrain from leeching.

  • Staff Impersonation
  • Impersonating staff will lead to a lengthy temporary ban. This includes portraying yourself to be a part of the staff team. This also includes manipulating new or confused members with your knowledge, and intentionally misleading them. Asking or telling members to donate to your PayPal account for the donator rank will fall under this category as well.

  • Respect
  • Respect is an important rule. It is important to respect each other, and always strive to be a better person than you may be, or already are. This is what makes a community strong. You must respect the other members, the other staff, and the rules. You can respect the rules by abiding by them. Please remember to especially treat new members, or new staff with respect. Remember, they are only wanting to be a part of the community, or only trying to make it better. They have as much right to be there as you do.

  • Please Note
  • - Don't spam/abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages.
    - All posts must be written in English.
    - Make your posts meaningful, and do not post brief comments such as "lol," "nice," or "10/10."
    - Do not double-post (post twice in a row in the same topic). Instead, please edit your posts with updated content.
    - Do not post "Bump" or a meaningless post for the sole sake of raising a topic's position in the forum index.
    - If you need to inform the topic starter of anything, you may send them a private message.
    - Hacking other members will not be tolerated.
    - Scamming attempts will be dealt with, but if you are scammed, we do not take responsibility and are not liable to take action.
    - Stay on topic on threads; don't hijack them.
    - Do not post a new topic directed at a certain member. Use the private message system for all private conversations.
    - Do not ask for money or donations. Example: Please donate to my paypal!
    - Use the search function before creating threads and asking others. Take initiative and strive for independence.
    - Do not abuse the tag system. This means adding useless, offensive tags etc.
    - Remember, moderators CANNOT ban you for the same offense! No "Double Jeopardy"

Always remember to keep these rules in mind, and follow them to the best of your ability. Success in this community will ultimately come to you if you do this. If you have any concerns, please contact the staff or administration team.

Happy foruming!